
Monday 31 December 2012


The evaluation of two key leadership development program components: Leadership skills assessment and leadership mentoring.

The purpose of this journal is to evaluate two key components of leadership development programs which is a 360-degree assessment of leadership skills and mentoring leaders. There are three hypotheses which are leadership skills self-report assessment will be statistically different from leadership skills observer-report assessment, the higher the percentage of time a mentor spends on actual coaching rather than compliance, the more the mentee group will share information with the mentor and the group and the more mentor initiates personal contact with the mentee group, the more the mentee group will share information with the mentor and the group. Two methods used which are leadership development program and leadership mentor group. The participants that includes in the program are 303 individuals and 41 leadership mentors. The measurements used for 360-degree assessment was Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) (Kouzes & Posner’s, 1993 as cited in Solansky, 2010). Four-point Likert-type rating scale was used in gather information about mentoring leaders. The result from this study are there were significant differences between self scores and average observer scores for all five LPI scale, the coaching time and number of contacts are both significantly related to mentees willingness to share information with mentors and mentee group regarding their leadership issues. The empirical of this study will impact on understanding of what methodologies and development program components that suitable to incorporate into a program. The two key components in this study will provide a basis for assessing leadership traits and behaviors and effectiveness of mentoring. The findings in this study also show that mentor-mentee relationship will effective when mentor spend more time on coaching and initiates personal contact with the mentee group. This research also shows benefits that associated with including mentors in leadership development programs. As a conclusion, leadership skills assessment is critical to any leadership program to gauge leadership strength and weaknesses and change in them. The use of mentors also is a powerful tool for developing effective leadership behaviors. Mentors should be trained to effectively mentor and coach mentees and also should have time available to commit to the relationship.
(347 words)
Solansky, S.T. (2010). The evaluation of two key leadership development program components: Leadership skills assessment and leadership mentoring. The Leadership Quarterly, 21, 675-681.
Summary writing: Characteristics of a good summary. (2010). Retrieved from
Ross, F. (n.d.). Writing summaries - Retrieved from

Sunday 30 December 2012

Job enlargement, job enhancement, job characteristics and employee works teams are the important part in job design. Discuss these points.

According to “Business,” (n.d.) job design will be defined as the set of opportunities and constraints structured into assigned tasks and responsibilities that affect how an employee accomplieshes and experiences work. Other than that, according to Morgeson & Humphrey; Parker & Wall (2008;1998, as cited in Grant, Fried & Juillerat) states job design is the process and outcomes of how work is structured, organized, experienced, and enacted. There are four important parts in dob design which is job enlargement, job enhancement, job characteristics and employee works teams.
            Job enlargement will be defined as expansion of the number of different tasks performed by an employee in single job (Chapter 15: Job Design, 2011). For example, one  auto mechanic switced from only changing oil to changing oil, greasing, and changing tranmission fluid. This work task have variety of services that the employee should do. This job enlargement will make the job tasks become more interesting. However, it is require more responsive to the higher level needs of employees by providing more variety in their job. The employees also always view job enlargement as just adding more routine, repetitive tasks to their already boring job.
            Job enhancement is the alternative term for job enrichment. Job enhancement will define as a job design technique that is a variation on the concept of job enlargement (Business, 2011). It adds new sources of job satisfactio by increasing level of responsibility of the employee. It also refers to the empowerment of employees to assume more responsibility and accountability for planning, organizing, performing, controlling, and evaluating their own work. There are five factors for enhance jobs and motivating employees which are achievement, recognition, growth, responsibility and performance. For example, server in the dining area will take immediate action when customer have complaint about the food product or service that provided.
            Job characteristics also called as job factors. It will define as specific aspects to a job such as knowledge and skills, mental and physical demands, and working conditions that can be recognized and assessed (Business, 2011). For example, to be a restaurant manager should have knowledge and skills in foodservice operation system. According to “Chapter 15 Job Design,” (2011), states job characteristics involves increasing the amounts of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback in a job. Skill variety, task identity and task significance are influence the experienced meaningfulness of work. Autonomy increase the feelings and attitudes of the employee towards their jobs. The feedback in job will give knowledge to the employee about their performances.

Business (2011). Retrieved November 1, 2011, from

Grant, A.M., Fried, Y., & Juillerat, T. (n.d.). Work matters: Job design in classic and contemporary perspectives. Retrieved from

Chapter 15: Job Design. (2011). Retrieved November 1, 2011 from

Compare and contrast the similarities and diference between managing chain restaurant and foodservice by contract management.

According to Wyckoff and Sasser (1978, as cited in Reynolds & Dipietro, n.d.) chain restaurant defined as two or more eating establishments at separate locations under common ownership or related through other legal entities which provide food for consumption on or off premises. While foodservice by contract management is a part of the non-commercial or institutional segment of the foodservice sector (Haywood & Wilson, 2003). It is a business between owners of establishment and a management company that hired for coordinating and overseeing a contract of operation.
The similarities of the managing chain restaurant and foodservice by contract is both of the operations system have a contract. The chain restaurant has a contract between franchisor and franchisee. For example, restaurant franchise such as McDonalds that have many chain over the world. The foodservice management also has a contract between owners and management company. For example, a hospital in Malaysia such as Hospital Universiti Kubang Kerian (HUKM) hired BESTA as their management company to run their foodservice operation.
There are many different between chain restaurant and foodservice management contract. First different is the management of the operation itself. The chain restaurant manages their establishment by following their restaurant owner leveraging brand recognition. They must follow the standardized business methods and practices exactly as their owner. However, the foodservice management contract did not have specific business methods that same to the owner. They only need to meet owner obligations in order to deliver the objectives required from the contract.
Other than that, the different of both operations will see in owner’s contribution in the operation. The chain restaurant has more contribution of the owner in operation. This is because to ensure that the same identifiable physical attributes and service offerings. The chain operation also need follow the owner standards in product and service that provided to the customer. However, foodservice management contract has less contribution of the owner in the operation parts. The owner only aware about the objectives of the operation must achieved which is building good relationship between customer and provider.
The chain restaurant organization have the advantage of economies of scale regarding material and supplies, with vast market reach generated by brand recognition allowing for quick penetration into new markets (Muller & Woods, 1994). It also increase in customer preference and patronage, higher emotional ties to the brand, trusty and loyalty. But, for foodservice management contract has different benefit which is streamlined operations such as improvement in business process efficiency with automated workflow. Owner of the operation will get benefits from the management contract which is better performance management and risk mitigation. The management contract also will get benefit which is management fees that owner pay for them.
The last difference between both operations is the advantages of the operation. The disadvantage of chain restaurant are operating a chain restaurant can be more stressful, need a time to recover when particular chain restaurant experience negative publicity and the cost of a chain restaurant is expensive than set up our own business. However, the disadvantages of foodservice management contract are inadequate resources may occur, lack of experience in dealing with customer if false in hiring management company and failure to monitor and manage retained risks will lead to owner loss and bad image of organization.

Haywood, K. M. & Wilson, G. (2003). Chapter 3 – Contract Foodservice. Retrieved from

Reynolds, D. & Dipietro, R. B. (n.d.). Chain restaurant management. Retrived from

Foodservice is a unique and distinctive functions in Malaysian economy. In 10 years time of Malaysia development, how would you see changes that may occur in foodservice operations.

Foodservice industry is one of sector in Malaysia that growth faster. This is because due to the income elasticities of demand for food is bigger among consumers in Malaysia. The consumers’ trend expenditure pattern on foodservice in Malaysia is expected to continue into the future and grow at a faster rate (Tey, Mad, Zainalabidin, Amir & Alias, 2011). An increase in income has the propensity to lead to an increase in demand on foodservice. There are many changes that occur in foodservice in Malaysia since 10 years ago.
The first changes that we will see in the foodservice industry in Malaysia is international business expansion (Lim, n.d.). Malaysian people nowadays high demand on Western foods such as hamburger, hotdog, sandwich, fried chicken, pizza, steak and others. This situation influences the growth of restaurant that produces the types of food product demand such as fast food restaurant like KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s and others. These type of restaurant enter the Malaysian market and becomes growing time to time.
Besides that, the internationalisation process also is one of the changes that we will see in the Malaysian foodservice industry. Internationalisation process is a process of increasing experiential knowledge that occur in our foodservice organization or firm (Lim, n.d.). Our Malaysian foodservice firms such as Secret Recipe, The Chicken Rice Shop, Marrybrown, Kyros Kebab, Sugar Bun and Nelson’s try to provides variety of food product and service type like international foodservice. For example, Marrybrown used Western-pronounce brand name and produce Western food. But, The Chicken Rice Shop used Western-pronounce brand name and provide Eastern food to their customer.
Other than that, the changes that occur in Malaysian foodservice is the increasing in Halal food product items. Since Malaysia has Muslim population around 60% of total population, the demands for halal food products is bigger. Most of the foodservice organization in Malaysia should have ‘halal licence’ from JAKIM to cater the demand of Muslim people. The increasing of foodservice firms that produce halal food also expand to the international market. The Malaysian foodservice firms is a global halal brand organization and becomes famous in Asia such as Secret Recipe that will enter foreign market after a year of operation (Lim, n.d.).
The other changes occur in foodservice operation is the system of foodservice organization itself. Nowadays, there are many franchise system that used in the foodservice in Malaysia. For example, the biggest of franchising foodservice organization in Malaysia is KFC and McDonalds. This type of foodservice operation help change in the way foodservice operation is operating. The quick service restaurant is growth in faster to cater the demand of customer nowadays. All the knowledges, skills, technologies and others from the franchise system will help Malaysian foodservice growth.
Foodservice operation in Malaysia also change in the technology due to the increasing of information technology (IT) nowadays. The foodservice firm will update their firm with new technology in order to increase their performance. They used the IT system for promotion, marketing, communication, operation, management and others. For example, the use of software in management of the operation helps them to communicate with the vendors, staff and customer of their firms.
Besides that, foodservice operation in Malaysia also change in food technology improvement. The food nowadays will be processed to the frozen foods and sell to the market. There are many Malaysian frozen product items such as donut, pastries like ‘karipap’ and ‘samosa’,fish product like ‘keropok lekor’, meat product like patty, nugget, meatball and others. These types of foods will lead to increasing in street kiosk or stall and also vehicle foodservice stall.
Lastly, the changes in Malaysian foodservice operation helps in growth of economic and gives job opportunity for the Malaysian people. The Malaysian government is one of the organization that help to the changes in Malaysian foodservice operation in Malaysia. Government give support and encouraged Malaysian to be an entrepreneur or businessman. This will increase in foodservice industry because this type of business is easy to entering and operating.

Lim, K.L. (n.d.). The facilitation at per-internationalisation stage: A study of Malaysian foodservice firms. Retrieved from
Tey, Y. S., Mad, N.S., Zainalabidin, M., Amin, M.A., & Alias, R. (2011). Expenditure patterns on foodservice in Malaysia. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts, 1-8.

There are ten (10) attributes that must be present in a prospective franchisee for the selection of a franchisee by a franchisor. With your own words, discuss these attributes .

According to “Guidelines Concerning the,”(2002), franchise is a form of business in which the franchisor provides the franchisee with the rights to use a specific trademark, trade name and provides coordinated control, guidance, and support for the member’s business and its management. There are 10 attributes that must be present in a prospective franchisee for the selection by franchisor are based on an assessment of overall business experience, personal qualifications, financial capability, managerial factors, demographic factors, attitudes and personality of franchisee, and others (Jambulingam & Navin, 1999).
The first attribute that franchisee should have is the business experience in the market where they are seeking a franchise. This attribute is important because experience in managing a franchise business will derived to the succesful of franchisee. For example, the entrepreneur who want to be a franchisee in fast food business such as McDonald’s and KFC must have knowledge and experience about this type of business. They should know about the market of franchisor brand, the demand of customer of product that produce, trends and challenges in the franchise that they want to enter.
The second attribute is personal qualification of the franchisee. This attribute include academic qualification of the franchisee that related to the franchisor business. The qualification is important to ensure that the franchisee have a good knowledges and skills in managing the franchise business. For example, in order to be franchisee of McDonald’s must have knowledge of foodservice organization, fast food operations, service in fast food restaurant and other skills in dealing with customers, employees, and people that related to the business.
The third attribute is financial capabilities of the franchisee. Financial capabilities means the available of capital from franchisee in order to enter the franchise business. It also relates to the personal savings that franchisee want to invest at the first time meeting with the franchisor. This financial requirements for the franchise business is different with the types of business that franchisee wants to enter. For example, if franchisee want to joint Dunkin Donut as their franchisor, the financial start up fee is around $40000 to $80000, net worth requirement is $1.5M and cash liquidity requirement is $750K (Dunkin Donut Franchise, n.d.).
The fourth attribute is managerial factors. Managerial factors such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling the operation of the franchise are important. Franchisee should have good managerial skills in order to achieve the target or profit stated by the franchisor. It also is the best criteria for selecting the franchisee if they will managing franchise personally rather than hired other personnel to manage the operations.
The fifth criteria are demographics factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, and education. These attribute are important to determine the ability of the franchisee to do their works and getting profit to franchisor. For example, age of franchisee such as young adults will influence them in run the business for longer time frame because they have good stamina.
Attitudes of franchisee also important for run a franchise business. They should have good attitudes toward business such as punctuality, positive thinking, creative, innovative, and enthusiastic. Besides that, they were perceived innovativeness, desire for personal development, seek work-related challenges, personal commitment to the business, and business risk-taking (Jambulingam & Navin, 1999).
The personality of the franchisee also is one of the attribute that franchisor choose. The franchisee should have good personality in order to cooperate with the franchisor. The personality here means how the franchisee acts as a business people. The franchisee may demonstrate personal integrity with emphasis on interpersonal skills and communication skills that will help them to operate the business smoothly. This also helps franchisor feel confident during selection process of the franchisee.
The other attribute is the franchisee has willingness to participate in a comprehensive training program. This attributes important to develop their skills in managing the business efficiently. For example, if franchisee enter KFC franchise, so they must have the knowledge about the products, service, equipments, operation system and others skill that required to meet the standard.
Franchisee also must have a strong desire to succeed, work hard and contribute to a winning team. This is because franchisor needs their franchisee achieving certain amount of profit. To ensure it will achieve, franchisee must work hard to increase the sales and controlling cost of operation efficiently.
Last attribute is a willingness of franchisee to personally devote full-time efforts to the day-to-day operations of the business. The franchisee must always monitor and take part in the operation rather than give full of authority to their personnel. They must be the person who has active in doing their works. They must not always to feel safe because they were under a good franchisor. They must take an effective effort to be successful and gets more profit for their establishment.


Daszkowski, D. (n.d.). Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise Review. Retrieved from

Guidelines concerning the franchise system under the Antimonopoly Act. (2002). Retrieved from

Jambulingam, T. & Nevin, J. R. (1999). Influence of franchisee selection criteria on outcomes desired by the franchisor. Journal of Business Venturing, 14, 363-395.

Define malware and distinguish among a virus, a worm, and a Trojan horse. Malware is a Malicious software programs that include a variety of threats such as computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

                                                         i.            Computer virus is a rogue software program that attaches itself to other software programs or data files in order to be executed and without user permission or knowledge. For example virus ILOVEYOU and CABIR.
                                                       ii.            Worms are independent computer programs that can copy themselves from one computer to other computers over a network. They operate on their own without attaching to other computer program files and rely less on human behavior in order to spread from computer to computer. For example Sasser.ftp and MyDoom.A.
                                                      iii.            Trojan horse is a software program that appears to be benign but then does something other than expected. The example of Trojan horse is Pushdo Trojan and Storm. 

Define identity theft and phishing and explain why identity theft is such a big problem today.

Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information such as Social Security identification numbers, driver’s licence numbers, or credit card numbers, to impersonate someone else. The identity theft is such a big problem today because the information may be used to obtain credit, merchandise, or services in the name of the victim or to provide the thief with false credentials. Pnishing is one of popular tactic which is a form of spoofing. It involves setting up fake Web sites or sending e-mail messages that look like those of legitimate businesses to ask users for confidential personal data.

Define computer crime. Provide 2 examples of crime in which computers are targets and two examples in which computers are used as instruments of crime.

Computer crime is defined as any violations of criminal law that involve knowledge of computer technology for their perpetration, investigation, or prosecution (U.S. Department of Justice). The example of crime in which computers are targets are accessing a computer system without authority and breaching the confidentiality of protected computerized data. The examples of computers are used as instruments of crime are theft of trade secrets and transmitting or processing child pornography using a computer.


The hospitality industry began to utilize information technology (IT) more than three decades ago well before many other industries (Berchiolly, 1997 & Hensdill, 1998 as cited in Heart, Pliskin, Schechtmen & Reichel, 2001). According to Laudon & Laudon (2010), IT infrastructure is defining as the shared technology resources that provide the platform for the firm’s specific information system application. IT infrastructure is including investment in hardware, software and services that shared to the entire business unit in the firm or organization. Cost for implementation the IT infrastructure is very expensive and higher based on the services that includes during the investments. For example, investments in infrastructure account for between 25 and 35 percent of information technology expenditures in large firms (Weil et al. 2002 as cited in Laudon & Laudon, 2010).
Cost benefit ratio or profitability index will define as contrast of the present value of an investment decision or project with its initial cost (Business, 2011). In other word, it defines as a ratio of whether or not how much profit will result from an investment. In this situation, the cost benefit ratio of purchasing IT infrastructure in hotel means the comparison of future profit that will get after purchase the IT infrastructure with preliminary cost of purchase itself. This ratio will calculated by taking the net present value of IT infrastructure and dividing by the original cost of purchasing the IT infrastructure. If the ratio is greater than one, it indicates that the purchase decision for the IT infrastructure in hotel is a viable or practical to the organization.
The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. In the US alone, according to the US Department of Commerce, the number of non-American tourists increased by 23% from 39.4 million in 1990 to 48.5 million in 1999, while revenues from these tourists grew by 64% from $58.3 billion in 1990 to $95.6 billion in 1999 (Heart, Pliskin, Schechtmen & Reichel, 2001). It is generally understood, however, that without advanced IT infrastructures any industry’s ability to compete globally could be jeopardized and in danger. It is also becomes a question whether hotels are equipped with the appropriate IT infrastructures required for eBusiness and eCommerce competition in global markets or not.
Nowadays, the implementation of IT infrastructure in hotels is very important. The IT infrastructure has advantages and disadvantages to the hotel. It is depend on the how the hotel organization manage the IT infrastructure itself. The advantage that hotel will get are improve performances of hotel services and increase the revenue of the hotel itself. The performance of hotel services will improve by using IT because all the management and operation tasks will be done using the IT infrastructure. For example, during reservation or check-in process of hotel guest is done using the specific software such as Fidelio or Opera. The hotel revenue also will increase when IT infrastructure is implement in the hotel using promotion that are done by sales and marketing department in the website. Hotel guest will make online reservation for check-in to the hotel. This will lead to the increase in sales revenue of hotel rooms. 
            However, the disadvantages of IT infrastructure is cost that need for the investment and controlling is quite expensive. The hotel organizations should calculate the cost-benefit ratio first before purchase the IT infrastructure to ensure that they will get benefits from the investment. The calculation that need to be consider are cost for instituting and maintaining control systems of the IT and benefits or saving that hotel derived by purchasing the infrastructure. The hotel organization also need to know about the actual cost of owning technology resources including the original cost of acquiring and installing hardware and software and ongoing administration costs for upgrades, maintenance, technical support, training and even utility and real estate costs for running and housing the technology (Laudon & Laudon, 2010).
            According to the cost-benefit ratio, hotel organization will make its own decision whether or not they purchase their own IT infrastructure or rent them from external provider. If too much is spent on infrastructure, it lies redundant and constitutes a drag on hotel financial performance. If too little spent, important business services cannot be delivered and the hotel’s competitors that spent the right amount will outperform the under-investing hotel. Thus, hotel will identify on how much should the hotel spend on IT infrastructure using six questions from competitive forces model for IT infrastructure investment.
            The first point is market demand for hotel services. The hotel should make an inventory of the services that it currently provides to the customers, suppliers and employees. Do some research or survey to each group and identify if the service that provide meeting the needs of each group or not. For example, is there any complaint received from customers, employees and suppliers about the hotel services such as slow response to customer’s queries regarding prices, difficulty for finding the right information about jobs and difficulties of discovering hotel production requirements. All the information about the market demand is important to the hotel for establish their own business strategy.
            The second point is hotel business strategy. The business strategy is a detailed plan for achieving success in business (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 2010). Every organization has to figure out what it wants to achieve and then how it is going to make it happen, with its products, services, customers and operations. For example, the hotel should analyze five-year business strategy or future strategy of the hotel and try to assess what new services and capabilities will be required to achieve strategic goal. The hotel establish their own goal which is to gain more profit every year after invest in the IT technology. The hotel provides better quality of services to ensure that customer is satisfied and return to buying their services or products.
            The third point is the hotel information technology (IT) strategy, infrastructure and cost. The hotel must examine information technology plans for the next five years and assess its alignment with the hotel business plans. For example, the hotel plan that in future they want to upgrade the IT technology for improve their performance in giving service to the customer. So, the hotel should do the budget about the cost that includes in the upgrading process. The total IT infrastructure costs also must be determined in order to perform a total cost of ownership analysis. There are nine infrastructure components in total cost of ownership which are hardware and software acquisition, installation, training, support, maintenance, infrastructure, downtime and space and energy. If the hotel has no IT strategy, they need to devise one that takes into account the hotel’s five-year strategy.
            The fourth point is information technology assessment. The hotel should avoid them from behind the technology curve or at the bleeding edge of information technology. This is because an organization not desirable to spend resources on advanced technologies that are still experimental, often offensive and sometimes unreliable. The hotel needs to spend on technologies that have well established standards. The IT vendors also should be well chosen because they are competing on cost, not design and they are multiple suppliers.
            The fifth point is competitor hotel services. The hotel organization should try to assess what technology services competitors’ offer to their customers, suppliers, and employees. They should know the new services or techniques that used in the competitor organization. Try to compare with our own services and establish quantitative and qualitative measures. If our hotel’s service levels fall short, our hotel is at a competitive advantage. The hotels must looking for the solution for improve our hotel service levels if it fall in long period of time. The quick solution from problem that occurs will help our hotel develop and improve the performance.
            The last point in purchasing decision for IT infrastructure is the competitor of hotel IT infrastructure investments. Hotel should benchmark their expenditures for IT infrastructure against our competitors. Many companies are quite public about their innovative expenditures on IT. If competing firms try to keep IT expenditures secret, the hotel may be able to find IT investment information in public companies’ SEC From 10-K annual reports to the federal government when those expenditures impact a firm’s financial result. The hotel did not to spend as much as their competitors but perhaps it is discovered much less expensive ways of providing services and its can lead to a cost advantage.       

As a conclusion, hotel business nowadays has its own challenge which is the business growth rapidly. There are many new hotel was develop in order to cater the demand of customer for lodging accommodation and food and beverage services. The existing of new hotel will lead the management of the hotel to do an aggressive business strategy for attract customer to come to their hotel. Therefore, the technology-based business model is one of the solutions of this problem. Hotel organization needs to invest in IT infrastructure for formulating their business strategy. They must used IT for update the information about the hotel, services and product that are provide in the hotel, doing the promotion, sales marketing, managing the operation of hotel and communicate with the customer, supplier and workers in the hotel itself.
The IT investment that hotel make must give benefits to them. They should not purchase the IT assets if it will make them suffer the higher cost or expenses without giving any advantages to them. The top level management of the hotel must evaluate the cost-benefit ratio before make decision to buy the IT technologies. All the important factors in making purchasing decision must be considered to avoid any loss to the hotel organization. But, if the hotel spends far less in the IT investment than their competitors, they will experience commensurate poor performance and losing market share in the business.
Besides that, the hotel also will take another solution besides purchasing the IT infrastructure which is rent them from external provider. This solution will help the small hotel for operating their services without need to invest more money for purchase the IT assets. It also gives an opportunity to the small company for implement the use of IT in their organization. Rent from the external provider is also one of the good solutions. Lastly, the solution guidelines include using a competitive forces model to determine how much to spend on IT infrastructure and where to make strategic infrastructure investments, and establishing the total cost of ownership of information technology assets.

American Hotel & Lodging Association. (2006). Hotel technology infrastructure. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from

Heart, T., Pliskin, N., Schechtmen, E., & Reichel, A. (2001). Information technology in the hospitality industry: The Israeli scene and beyond. Information Technology & Tourism, 4, 41-64.
Laudon, K. C. & Laudon, J.P. (2010). Management Information Systems: Managing the digital firm. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (8th ed). (2010). New York: Oxford University Press.

Reid, R. D., & Sandler, M. (1992). The use of technology to improve service quality. Cornell Hotel & Restaurants Administration Quarterly, 33(3), 68–73.

Van Hoof, H. B., Collins, G. R., Combrink, T. E., & Verbeeten, M. J. (1995). Technology needs and perceptions. Cornell Hotel & Restaurants Administration Quarterly, 36(5), 64–69.

Zwass, V. (1996). Electronic commerce: Structure and issues. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 1(1), 3-23.

Friday 12 October 2012



There are four types of meats that usually sell in the market which are:

1.       Beef
Most beef is supplied by steers which is male cattle that are castrated while young. So, they will gain weight quickly. Besides that, heifers or females that have not borne calf are also used for meat.

2.       Veal
This type of meat comes from male and female calves of beef cattle and also dairy beef cattle which the age is between of 3 weeks and three months. These animals are fed a milk-based diet and have their movements restricted for a more flavorful and tender meat.

3.       Lamb
This type of meat comes from sheep less than 14 months old. The meat that sold from the older animals is called as mutton.

4.       Pork
Pork also includes in types of meat and it comes from young swine or either gender. Pork also has been bred to be learner and it will become tendered.

Brown, A. 2008. Understanding Food: Principles & Preparation (3rd Ed). Thomson Wadsworth: United States.

Wednesday 10 October 2012



There are three general classifications of cakes which are:

Shortened Cakes
·         A cake made with fat.
·         It also called butter or conventional cakes.
·         It usually leavened with baking powder or baking soda.
·         Example of shortened cakes leavened with baking soda or baking powder are standard yellow, plain white, chocolate, spice and fruitcakes.
·         Pound cake is a compact, shortened cake leavened only by air and steam.

     Unshortened Cakes
·         A cake made without added fat.
·         It also known as sponge or foam cakes.
·         This type of cakes is leavened with beaten egg whites.
·         Examples of unshortened cakes are angel food, meringue, sponge, dacquoise, genoise, and roulade.


·         A cake made by combining the characteristics found in both shortened and unshortened cakes.
·         It’s leavened with both baking powder or soda and beaten egg whites.
·         The examples are angel food cakes such as lemon chiffon and chocolate chiffon cakes.

Brown, A. 2008. Understanding Food: Principles & Preparation. 

Friday 25 May 2012

Classification Of Fish And Shellfish

Fish can be classified three different ways:

  • Vertebrate or invertebrate: Vertebrate fish or finfish have fins and internal skeletons; invertebrate fish, or shellfish (mollusks and crustaceans), have external skeletons.
  • Saltwater or freshwater
  • Lean or fatty

  • Fresh Water : Lean / Fatty 
  • Salt Water :  Lean / Fatty 


  • Crustacean : Crab, Crayfish, Lobster and Shrimp

  • Mollusk : 

  1. Bivalve : Clam, Mussel, Oyster, Scallop
  2. Univalve : Abalone, Conch, Snail
  3. Cephalopod : Octopus, Squid

Classification Of Poultry

Poultry or domesticated birds raised for their meat, includes:


  • Broilers, Fryers, Roasters, Capons, Cornish Game Hens

  • Young Tom
  • Young Hen




Guinea Fowl

Domesticated birds are classified according to age and weight, and the classification vary from species to species. Chickens are sold as broilers and or fryers, roasters, capons, Cornish hens, and stags. The majority of the turkeys coming to market are young hens, hens, young toms and toms.

Monday 21 May 2012


            This research aims to investigates whether perceptions about food safety are related to how often consumers eat at restaurant. The research before that are being refer is food safety inspection at a restaurant by public health officials, research has shown that a significant percentage of restaurants have inadequate food safety practices (Allwood, Jenkins, Paulus, Johnson, & Hedberg, 2004; Buchholz, Run, Kool, Fielding & Mascola, 2002; Mathias et al.,1994; Medus, Smith, Bender, Besser, & Hedberg, 2006; U.S. Food and Drug Administration Retail Program Steering Committee,2000; Walczak, 2000). Before do the research, the hypotheses are built. The main two hypotheses used are whether perceptions about food safety issues and the sociodemographic characteristics of consumers are related to frequency of eating at restaurant. All the hypotheses are based on the previous literature on perceptions of food safety and consumer behavior.
            The method that they used to get the data is using a nationwide telephone survey in the 48 contiguous U.S states and conducted with 1014 randomly selected U.S adults aged 18 and older between October 31, 2005 and February 9, 2006. Two calling protocols were used are the traditional standard of minimum of 12 call attempts to contact sample members was employed and it were randomly assigned to be called at different times of the day and days of the week. The result they get will be weighted to reflect the sociodemographics and geographic regions of the U.S population using the 2000 census data. They preferred the statistical technique to preserve the ordinal nature of the dependent variable as categorical or nominal data. The independent and the logits are the same for all the logits was violated.
            The dependent variable is frequency of eating at a restaurant by asking the respondent about how many times a week they eat at a restaurant. The data will categories like 1=everyday, 2=several times a day or a week, 3=about once or twice a week, 4=less than once a week, and 5=never. Then, the data analysis was recoded into three categories such as frequently, occasionally and rarely.
            The independent variables that are used in the analysis are concern about food safety issues, food safety performance of restaurant, how often consumers think about food safety, the belief of having had food poisoning, knowledge about food safety and sociodemographic variables. The food-borne illness was measured by asking two questions to the respondent like “Are you concerned about food-borne illnesses in the foods that you eat?” and “Would you say that you are concerned, somewhat concerned, or a little concerned?” The respondent also asked about two food safety issues that are about pesticide and chemical residues on fruits and vegetables and antibiotics or hormones. The variable trust data gets by asking respondent how they rate the performance of restaurant in making sure the foods that they eat are safe. Other than that, they also asked respondent about the important food safety to them. The data of response will be recorded. The experience of the respondent about had a case of food poisoning also be asked. Respondent knowledge about food safety also was being measured and recorded. Other control variable is sociodemographic that’s whether the respondent was vegetarian, allergic to foods, children younger than 6 and anyone 65 years or older in the household. In addition, the age, sex, race, education and income of the respondent were measured by asking them through the question.
            The result that were got from this research are about 18% of respondents stated that they eat at a restaurant often, 43% indicated that they dine out occasionally, and 39% said that they rarely eat out. The respondents who think about food safety hardly at all were more likely to eat at a restaurant more often than those who think about food safety everyday. The males were more likely than females to eat at a restaurant often, and Hispanics were less likely than White respondents to eat at a restaurant often. But, the respondents who are higher levels of concern about food-borne illness, additives and preservatives and believed that they had food poisoning within the past were less likely to eat at a restaurant. Vegetarian’s people were less eating at a restaurant. People who had incomes $60,000 or greater were likely eating outside than those with incomes between $20,000 and $39,999. The respondent with less than a high school education were less likely to eat at a restaurant occasionally than those with at least a bachelor’s degree.
            From this research, they got those consumers’ perceptions of food safety influence the frequency of dining at restaurant are doing but not always in predictable ways. There are differences between those who are eating at restaurant rarely, occasionally or often. The concern of food safety issues, thinking about food safety and having experienced food poisoning were related to frequency of dining. But, concern on additives and preservatives and having experienced food poisoning had the opposite effect than predicted. The explanation that got from the respondent may lie in the wording of the questions. For example in experiencing food poisoning, the respondent did not confirm that they was ill because food they eating at a restaurant. The frequency of dining at restaurant general might be not change, but the pattern of patronage may change as consumers eat elsewhere (Henson et al., 2006; Reynolds & Balinbin, 2003). Food-borne illness may cause a short-term decline in eating out, but some patterns may return to previous levels over a period of time (Bocker & Hanf2000). There are more research that researcher should do  in findings point on how, when and why consumers associate illness with food purchased at restaurant and food safety variables need to be included in consumer preference studies.


Allwood, P.B., Jenkins, T., Paulus, C., Johnson, L., & Hedberg, C.W. (2004). Hand washing compliance among retail food establishment workers in Minnesota. Journal of Food Protection, 67, 2825-2828.

Bocker, A., & Hanf, C.-H. (2000). Confidence lost and-partially-regained: Consumer responseto food scares. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 43, 471-485.

Henson, S., Majowicz, S., Masakure, O., Sockett, P., Jones, A., Hart, R., et al. (2006). Consumer assessment of the safety of restaurant: The role of inspection notices and other information cues. Journal of Food Safety, 26, 275-301.