
Tuesday 20 December 2011




What is the meaning of meat alternatives? It is good for us to consume? What is the classification of the meat alternatives? Is there any food that relate to the same nutrient like meat product? How about the process that are involved in making the meat alternative production? All of the question will be discussed in this assignment briefly. Meat alternative or other word which called meat substitute, faux meat, meat analogue, mock meat or imitation meat is the same meaning or definition.
Generally, the meat alternative will be understood to mean that the food made from non-meats and sometimes it produces without dairy products. It is approximates aesthetic quality such as texture, flavor, appearance and chemical characteristics of specific types of meat. These types of food also refer to the meat-based, healthier and less expensive alternative to a particular meat product such as surimi. There are six classifications of meat alternatives which are vegetarian meat alternative, soy-based meat alternative, recent meat alternative, dairy alternative, egg alternative and similar meat-based meat alternative or called surimi.
The vegetarian meat alternative is food that based-on centuries-old recipes and then the flavoring is added to make the finished product taste like lamb, chicken, seafood, ham, beef and others. The example of food product from this class are the wheat gluten or called seitan, rice, legumes, tempeh, mushrooms and pressed-tofu. The second class is the soy-based meat alternative. This is the food that made by layering the thin skin which forms on top of boiled soy milk. The recent meat alternative if a food comes from a dry bulk commodity derived from soy, mycoprotein-based Quorn, soy concentrate and modified defatted peanut flour.
The dairy alternative is the food that comes from other dairy sources based. It composed of processed rice, soy like soy milk and soy protein isolate, cashew, almond, gluten such as the first non-dairy creamers, nutritional yeast and other combination of the food that will get the same flavoring like butter, milk, cheeses, yogurt, mayonnaise, ice-cream and others milk product. The other classification is egg alternative. The food from egg alternative is the foods that have the same like egg function such as the leavening and binding effects of eggs in baked food such as cake. The example of food is the tapioca starch, tofu or other similar product function like egg. The last classification is the similar meat-based meat alternative that a food that processed from the hash or flesh of fish and added with the flavorings.

2.0                BODY

Nowadays, there are many foods that contain the same nutrient like meat product. The processing of the meat alternative is also different from each classification. The example of food meat alternative and it process will be discuss are seitan, yuba, texturized vegetable protein (TVP), tofu, tapioca starch, surimi and tempeh. The seitan or wheat gluten food is made by washing the wheat flour dough with water until the starch it dissolves. The leaving insoluble gluten then cooked before being eaten. This type of food is popular in Chinese people for accompaniment to boiled rice porridge or called congee. There are five forms of seitan which are oily fried gluten, steamed gluten, baked spongy gluten, raw gluten and dry baked gluten.
Yuba also called tofu skin or dried bean curd. The processing of yuba is start from boiling of soy milk in an open shallow pan. During the boiling process, a film or skin composed primarily of soy protein-lipid complex forms on the liquid surface. The films are collected and dried into yellowish sheets known as tofu skin or soy milk skin. There are three form of yuba which are fu zhu stick, meat analoque and log. The other type of meat alternative is texturized vegetable protein or TVP. TVP is a food made through a process known as extrusion cooking. It made from defatted soy flour and water in a mixing cylinder. Then the dough cooked during the passage through the barrel of a screw type extruder. This food will replace meat in the Spaghetti Bolognese, tacos, burgers and others.
Tofu is a processed food by coagulating soy milk and the resulting curds will be pressing. It produce begins making their own soy milk which are follow the steps like soaking the beans in the water, grinding the soaked beans, boiling and straining it dried. The process of coagulating used the coagulants agent like salt, acids and enzymes. There are many forms processed tofu exist which are fermented tofu like pickled and stinky tofu, flavored tofu like sweet and savory tofu, fried tofu like aburaage and frozen tofu like Thousand layer and koyadofu tofu. The productions from tofu based are tofu skin, okara, non-tofu and Burmese tofu.
Egg substitutes may be composed of tofu, tapioca starch, or similar products that recreate the leavening and binding effects of the eggs in baked goods. Many people use fruit products such as banana paste or applesauce as egg analogues in baking. There varieties way of processed tapioca starch consist by stirred the product, drained through a sieve and the last one step is fried the products itself. Examples of tapioca starch are tapioca cracker, powder, and rectangular sticks.
Surimi is a processed of hash of fish plus flavoring, is used to make products such as imitation crab meat. Its also can be steps by separate or mince the lean fish, rinse, beaten, and pulverized to form a gelatinous paste, mixed with additives such as starch, egg white, salt, vegetables oil, humectants, sorbitol, sugar and others. The curing process of surimi is caused by the polymerization of myosin when heated.The species of fish is the most vital factor that affects this curing process. Many pelagic fish with higher fat contents lack the needed type kind of heat-curing myosin and are not used for surimi production.
Tempeh or tempe is made by natural culturing and controlled fermentation of soy bean process that binds into a cake form. Tempeh’s fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protien, dietary fiber, and vitamin. Because of its nutritional value, tempeh used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine, some consider it to be a meat analogue. The production process of Tempeh begins with soya bean are split and hulled, then boiling the beans in plenty of water for about 45 minutes. Drained and cooled it. Add and mix with vinegar and rhizopus oligoporus. Then, packed the bean in container and covered 6mm above the beans. Next, left it into incubate at temperature of between 29 °C and 35 °C for 26 to 30 hours. The tempeh is ready when, a white, fluffy layer completely conceals the beans and the beans underneath the layer are held together as a solid cake. The last step is, tempeh will keep for two to three days in a refrigerator or it may be sliced, blanched and then frozen for longer storage.

3.0          CONCLUSION

As a conclusion, the meat alternative is good to us for consume. There are many advantages or benefit that we will get from this type of food. The people who are consumed foods that are meat alternative based will get longevity of life. The interesting facts that we will share are the longevity of life people that live in Okinawan Islands in Southern Japan. They eat lots of grains, vegetables, soy and fish and eat less meat, poultry and dairy product. The people who are follow vegetarian diet like Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and Trappist monks also longer in life.
The meat alternative food helps the vegetarians people gets their same amount of complete protein. The sources of meat alternatives is the incomplete protein sources of food, but if the certain plant foods are eaten together, they may supply all the essential amino acids. It also will be essential for human nutrition and good as animal protein. The example of food that we will consumed together to get same as complete protein are grains and legumes. The production of meat alternative nowadays helps people like vegetarian’s people to find the food that nutritious and variety for them to consume.
The other benefits that people will get are the fiber constituents, anticancer components and the food of soy based has estrogenic activities. The food from meat alternative also much lower in fat content but the protein and quality content is quite similar. Besides that, tofu is the excellent food from a nutritional and health perspective which is will result in lowering blood cholesterol levels. As a result, meat alternative help us more in terms of health and nutrition.

4.0               REFERENCES

Murray, M.T (1993). The Healing Power of Foods: Nutrition Secrets for Vibrant Health and Long Life, Melanie Field, Bookman Production, United States (US).
Kirschman, J.D (2007). Nutrition Almanac (6th Edition), McGraw-Hill, Two Penn Plaza, New York.
Schwarcz, J. and Berkoff, F (2004). Foods that Harm, Food that Heal/ Reader’s Digest (1st Edition), The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Canada.

Saturday 17 December 2011


Informative Outline

Topic: Retrain Your Brain
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the strategies to help us to remember.
Thesis: The simple secrets for keeping your brain young, is to get your brain in shape.

I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: Can’t remember where you put your glasses? Blanked on your new colleague’s name? Forgetting these types of things is a sign of how busy we are. When we’re not paying good attention, the memories we form aren’t very robust and we have a problem retrieving the information later. The simple secrets for keeping your brain young, is to get your brain in shape. We exercise our bodies, but what good is that great body if you don’t have the mental capabilities to go with it? If you want to strengthen your brain, try these expert-recommended strategies to help you’re remember.

B. Reason to Listen: If you want to strengthen your brain, try these expert-recommended strategies to help you’re remember.

C. Thesis Statement:   The simple secrets for keeping your brain young, is to get your brain in shape.

D. Credibility Statement:
1. I have been interested with this topic and want to share with everybody.
2. I have read and studied about this topic in the books and magazines and have   done research on the Internet.

E. Preview of Main Points:
1. First, I will discuss about “What the heck is his name?”
2. Second, I will discuss about “Where did I leave my glasses?”
3. Finally, I will discuss about “What else was I supposed to do today?”

II. The simple secrets for keeping your brain young, is to get your brain in shape.
A. "What the heck is his name?"
1. Pay attention.
a.       When you're introduced to someone, really listen to the person's name. Then, to get a better grasp, picture the spelling. Ask, "Is that Kathy with a K or a C?"
b.      Make a remark about the name to help lock it in ("Oh, Carpenter -- that was my childhood best friend's last name")
c.        Use the name a few times during the conversation and when you say goodbye.
2. Visualize the name.
a.       For hard-to-remember monikers, make the name meaningful. For Lily, maybe you think of the name of flower.
b.      Picture it. Then look at the person, choose an outstanding feature (bushy eyebrows, green eyes) and tie the name to the face.
c.       If Miss Lily has a big nose, picture a white lily flower with a big nose. The sillier the image, the better.
3. Create memorable associations.
a.       If you want to remember Tunku Abdul Rahman as our first Prime Minister, we imagine that he stand at the Dataran Merdeka and shout “Merdeka” three times.
                        4. Cheat a little.
a.   When you get a business card at a meeting, jot down a few notes at the back of the card to help your when need a reminder. For example, wear a red glass and live in Springfield.

Transition:       Now I have discussed about “What the heck is his name?” I will discuss now about the "Where in the world did I leave my glasses?"
B. "Where in the world did I leave my glasses?"
1. Give a play-by-play.
a.   Pay attention to what you're doing as you place your glasses on the end table.
b.      Remind yourself. For example, "I'm putting my keys in my coat pocket," so you have a clear memory of doing it.
2. Make it a habit.
a.   Put a small basket on a side table. Train yourself to put your keys,   glasses, cell phone or any other object you frequently use (or misplace) in the basket every time.
Transition:       Now I have discussed about "Where in the world did I leave my glasses?" I will discuss now about the “What else was I supposed to do today?”

C. "What else was I supposed to do today?"
1. Start a ritual.
a.   To remind yourself of a chore (write a thank-you note, go to the dry cleaner), give yourself an unusual physical reminder.
b.   You expect to see your bills on your desk, so leaving them there won't necessarily remind you to pay them.
c.       But place a shoe or a piece of fruit on the stack of bills, and later, when you spot the out-of-place object, you'll remember to take care of them, says Carol Vorderman, author of Super Brain: 101 Easy Ways to a More Agile Mind.
2. Sing it.
a.   To remember a small group of items (a grocery list, phone number, list of names, to-do list), adapt it to a well-known song, says Vorderman.
b.   Try "peanut butter, milk and eggs" to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," "Happy Birthday" or even nursery rhymes.

3. Try mnemonic devices.
a.   Many of us learned "ROY G BIV" to remember the colors of the rainbow, or "Every Good Boy Deserves Favors" to learn musical notes.
b.   Make up your own device to memorize names (Suzanne's kids are Adam, Patrick and Elizabeth, or "APE"), lists (milk, eggs, tomatoes, soda, or "METS") or computer commands (to shut down your PC, hit Control+Alt+Delete, or "CAD").

                        4. Use your body.
a.   When you have no pen or paper and are making a mental grocery or to-do list, remember it according to major body parts, says Scott.
b.   Start at your feet and work your way up. So if you have to buy glue, cat food, broccoli, chicken, grapes and toothpaste, you might picture your foot stuck in glue, a cat on your knee looking for food, a stalk of broccoli sticking out of your pants pocket, a chicken pecking at your belly button, a bunch of grapes hanging from your chest and a toothbrush in your mouth.

                        5. Go Roman.
a.   The Roman room technique, you associate your grocery, to-do or party-invite list with the rooms of your house or the layout of your office, garden or route to work.
b.   Again, the zanier the association, the more likely you'll remember it, says Scott. Imagine apples hanging from the chandelier in your foyer, spilled cereal all over the living room couch, shampoo bubbles overflowing in the kitchen sink and cheese on your bedspread.  
III. Conclusion
A. Review of Main Points:
1. Today I first discussed about “What the heck is his name?”
2. Second, I discussed about “Where did I leave my glasses?”
3. Finally, I discussed about “What else was I supposed to do today?”

B. Restate Thesis:       The simple secrets for keeping your brain young, is to get your brain in shape.

C. Closure:      In conclusion, remember that the simple secrets for keeping your brain young, is to get your brain in shape. If you want to strengthen your brain, try all the tips or strategies that I discussed before.


P, Curtis. (2008). Retrain Your Brain: 20 memory tricks you’ll never forget. Pleasantville, New York: Reader’s Digest.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Nutrition For Teenagers

  • The important of nutrition for teenagers

Nutrition is very important for all people especially during teenagers because from this level, many type of nutrients needed to bone development and others. The teenagers should intake enough nutrients to maintain the healthy body. This is because to avoid any chronic disease when they become adult and elderly. So, from the teenagers’ age should eat enough calories and nutrient intake to built strong immune body.

Figure 3.1(a) and 3.1(b) compare the EER and RDA for protein for teenagers. Energy requirement vary greatly depending on gender, body composition, level of physical activity, and current rate of growth. The individual which is at the faster rate are needed the highest level of nutrients and also kilocalories. Males generally have higher energy requirements than females due to their larger proportion of lean body mass to adipose tissue.

But individual growth spurts also must be considered. For example, a rapidly-growing athletic 15-year-old boy may need 4,000 calories a day just to maintain his weight. However, an inactive girl the same age, whose growth is nearly completed, may need fewer than 2,000 calories to avoid weight gain. How many calories do the teenagers need will be see in the Figure 3.1(c).

Commonly, the male teenagers now need more calories, protein, magnesium and zinc which are for muscle and bone development compare than female. However, females need increased iron due to the onset of menstruation. The recommended daily allowance for iron is 12 to 15 milligrams (mg) a day. Female teenagers have to pack more nutrients fewer calories. So, it can become difficult if they decrease their food intake to lose their weight. Three problem nutrient for teenagers as well which are vitamin E, potassium and fiber. Figure 4.0 List sources of these problems.

Furthermore, calcium very important for teenagers because half of their peak bones mass built during this time. During this time the capacity to absorb calcium is greatest capacity especially early teenagers. The Adequate Intake for calcium is increase from 800 mg to 1300mg from 9 to 18 years for both male and female. Other than that, calcium is important even for young adults who have completed their linear growth spurt, since the mineral continues to be deposited in their bones for another decade.

Besides that, magnesium intake also very important for teenagers because of that the body can make fat and protein, make bone and maintain a healthy immune system. Magnesium also works together with calcium to contract muscle and transmit nerve impulses. Nowadays, the teenagers should like eating meal based their food choice. They eat meal at home and also away from the home, such as fast-food restaurant and skip more meals.

The teenagers are lack the time discipline to eat right, and want look pretty especially girl teenagers, they skip certain meal and prefer to eat snack. It maybe they think they can lose their weight when skip meal. After school, more teenagers not through go home. They like go shopping complex with their friend to enjoys. So, it helps them to choose ready to eat food such as cookies, chocolate, soft drink, fast food meal and others.

Other than that, the teenagers have more choice to buy their meal because at school also have many type of food choice such as donut, drink from vending machine, snack and others. So, daily meal pattern the teenagers eat more snack and followed the basic daily meal like breakfast, lunch, dinner and others.

The media have powerful on influence the teenagers eating pattern and behaviors. Advertising about not so good food for healthy if intake daily such as fast food which the manufacturer advertising from television, radio and billboard to attract more people come in especially teenagers and children. As a good parent, they should alert about their son daily meal from home, at school period and others. The parent also can become good model to their son in daily eat healthy food.

Figure 3.1(a) : Energy and Macronutrient for Teenagers
Estimated energy requirement (EER) and recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein
Gender and age
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
EER* (kcal)
Protein (gram/kg body weight)
Male 9 – 13 years
Female 9 – 13 years
Male 14 - 18 years
Female 14 – 18 years
Male 19 years

Female years

*The EER is for healthy moderately active American and Canadian

Figure 3.1(b) : Acceptable Macronutrient distribution ranges
4 – 18 years
45 – 65%
25 – 35%
10 – 30%
Over 19 years
45 – 65%
20 – 35%
10 – 35%

Figure 3.1 (c ): How Many Calories Do Teenagers Need?

Activity Level
Activity Level
Mod. Active

Mod. Active


Calorie levels are based on Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) and activity levels from the Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes Macronutrients Report, 2002. Sedentary means less than 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities. Active means 60 or more minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities.

 Reference: Drummond, K. E. & Brefere, L. M. (2010).Nutrition for foodservice and culinary professionals. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.